Going LOCAL: Lake Waikaremoana

Kia ora koutou e hoa mā, (Hello my friends!) I'm currently trying to plan a hike around Lake Waikaremoana, which is one of the Great Walks of Aotearoa, with my sister. It's a four-day long tramp around the lake, which is on the East Coast of NZ's North Island, slap bang in the middle of the … Continue reading Going LOCAL: Lake Waikaremoana

Napier: a step back in time (Part 1)

Napier, when combined with its neighbouring township Hastings, is the sixth largest city in New Zealand.  Located on the East Coast of the North Island in Hawke’s Bay, the area is renowned for its horticulture, wineries, warm climate, and distinctive 1930s art deco architecture.  For our family trip to Napier, we’d factored golden beaches and … Continue reading Napier: a step back in time (Part 1)